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Rules for Table Expansion

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To order, or for other questions, please call us at 1-800-541-0271 with the width and length of your table.

Enlarging Round Tables

You may exceed a maximum of 12ʺ in diameter. The largest round Table Extender we can make is 84ʺ.

This added 12ʺ in diameter is equivalent to almost another 40ʺ inches in circumference. When figuring how many more guests can be seated at your table, it is recommended to plan on 18ʺ to 20ʺ per person. So by adding this 12" in diameter, you may fit two to three more people—depending on your chairs.

Enlarging Oblong Tables and Most Other Shapes

You may exceed the flat surface of your table by up to 7ʺ on either side of the width and 9ʺ on either end of the length.

For instance, if your table is 40ʺ × 60ʺ, you could order a Table Extender up to 54ʺ × 78ʺ. The math looks like this: for the width you would add 40ʺ + 7ʺ + 7ʺ = 54ʺ. And for the length you would add 60ʺ + 9ʺ + 9ʺ = 78ʺ.

Enlarging Square Tables

Square tables can be made into a larger square or a larger round.

If you want a larger square, you may exceed the flat surface of your table by up to on either side of the width and length.

For instance, if your table is 40ʺ × 40ʺ square, you could order a Table Extender up to 54ʺ × 54ʺ. The math looks like this: add 40ʺ + 7ʺ + 7ʺ = 54ʺ.

If you want to change your square table into a larger round, please call us at 1-800-541-0271. (Because the diagonal of a square table is much larger than the measurement from side to side, there is a special formula for a round Table Extender over a square table: multiply the table width by 1.207 and then add 12”.)